
Cllr. D. Inch


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. G. Rowe



Cllr. M. Edyvean

Cllr. Mrs. I. Northey

Cllr. Mrs. J. Oxenham


Cllr. P. Ames

Cllr. P. Jones

Cllr. Mrs. J. Norris


Cllr. Mrs. S. Tippett

Cwll. Cllr. J. Wood

Gavin Smith - CC






Appointment of Parish Councillor:- Interviews were held and appointment agreed, and candidate would be invited to the next Parish Council Meeting and unsuccessful candidate informed accordingly Action: Clerk to inform Cornwall Council and send relevant paperwork on to candidate for completion and for the role.





Apologies:- None.




Public Forum:-  Mr. Gavin Smith of Cornwall Council Planning attended the meeting in respect of PA18/09982 – 150 Dwellings at Land at Edgcumbe Road, Roche advising he notes the concerns and advised the policy says once you get to 50 dwellings you cannot go past it. They would like to keep the bypass road from the site.  He does not want to agree with the developer that they can go past the 50.  Chair asked for Councillor J. Wood’s thoughts and he advised there is a remote risk about the road and as he speaks to people the risk is diminishing daily.  He does fear that looking to stop things and to push hard when we could get benefits up front, i.e. asking for benefits in place beforehand.  He believes there is a big risk if the developers go down the road of appealing.  This is a decision for the Parish Council and obtain the maximum benefits for the Parish, monies for School and Doctors surgery should be up front after the 50 houses, this would not be the best of packages to sell on then.  Chairman advised we have on the agenda and will send an email to Gavin tomorrow with our decision. Councillor M. Edyvean reported the offices for the road site have been built but since that the heavy equipment has been moved out since, this is slightly concerning.  Councillor G. Rowe reported from the very start we have been urging Origin 3 to put this application on hold, he is concerned they seem to be jumping the gun, so to speak.  Lately it appears they have tried to steam roll the application and could they not work with the Parish Council and our Neighbourhood Plan.


Gavin Smith left the meeting at 6.44pm.




Members Declaration of Interest on items raised on the Agenda/Requests for Dispensation:- Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett declared a pecuniary interest in the quotation received for signage under Min.229/20.




Monthly Cornwall Councillor Report:-  Cornwall Councillor J. Wood queried the Parish Council Website, noting the agenda for September had not been put up and also August Minutes.  Clerk reported the agenda had most definitely been sent but the August Minutes would not be included until they are approved after tonight’s meeting, so it is a true and accurate record online.  She would follow up with Dinah Crellin as to why the Agenda had not been put up Action: Clerk to follow up.

Covid-19 – Cornwall Council are looking at the economy is the County as a lot of companies have huge financial problems.


More recently there have been problems in the village, and he is finding it difficult to solve issues and he is receiving even more and more neighbour problems.


Pentonvale Farm – Councillor M. Edyvean queried the rumour about St Petrocs housing?  Cornwall Councillor J. Wood advised that St Petrocs are interested in developing something on this site, in amongst them looking at other sites.  It will be for handicapped people who are needing sheltered/assisted accommodation, no further information is available at this time.







Confirmation of Parish Minutes from the Meeting held on the 12th August 2020:- Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 12th August 2020 as circulated were confirmed as a true and accurate record and to be duly signed by the Chairman (Proposed: Councillor G. Rowe; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham)




Matters Arising from the Monthly Minutes of the Meeting held on the 12th August 2020:-

Page 1 Min.315/19 Voluntary Community Benefit PA19/06776:-  Clerk reported a response had been received advising the payment should be made this week, hopefully around Friday Action: Keep Pending.


Page 1 Min.315/19 Sheds erected on the junction of Belowda:-  Clerk reported that Cornwall Councillor J. Wood is continuing to follow this matter up, however, with Covid-19 a lot of matters are currently on hold Action: Keep Pending.  Cornwall Councillor J. Wood reported enforcement are looking at this but nothing to report currently.


Page 1 Min.289/19 Caravans in Roche Parish at Tregoss:-  Clerk reported that Cornwall Councillor J. Wood is continuing to follow this matter up, however, with Covid-19 a lot of matters are currently on hold Action: Keep Pending.  Cornwall Councillor J. Wood reported enforcement are looking at this but nothing to report currently.


Page 1 Min.117/20 Works by MPL in Playing Fields:-  Clerk reported that Danny from MPL had not responded to further email sent Action: Keep Pending and Clerk to trying to telephone them.


Page 1 Min.179/20 Fitting and Supply of Basketball Hoops and Backboards:-  Clerk reported she is awaiting a date for installation Action: Keep Pending.


Page 4 Min.193/20 Funding for new Road:-  Clerk reported she followed up for details of when the funding may be available.  Cornwall Councillor J. Wood reported earlier there was no further information available at the present time.


Page 5 Min.199/20 Skips for Removal of Dug Out:-  Clerk reported she had spoken with Derek Roach and was waiting for invoices once the work had been carried out.


Page 6 Min.201/20 Staining of Noticeboard:-  Clerk reported she had requested the staining of the noticeboard and removal of old one on Cemetery wall, work had not been carried out to date Action: Keep Pending.

Page 7 Min.208/20 Clearing Weeds at War Memorial:-  Clerk reported she had requested the area be cleared by Lanhydrock Garden Services.  It was reported the work has been carried out.





Cwll. Cllr. J. Wood



Cwll. Cllr. J. Wood




















Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Any Letters received for or against any Planning Applications:-  Clerk reported that proposals for planning applications will be sent with the following statement:-  Due to the restrictions placed on the Parish Council as a result of the pandemic coronavirus, this response represents the opinion of Members of Roche Parish Council identified through a consultation process and will be ratified at the next appropriate meeting of the Parish Council.


Planning Applications:-


For Information Only PA20/01689/PREAPP – Mr. Michael John Kent – Pre-application advice for the demolition of existing garage to obtain access to rear garden to build two detached dormer bungalows with parking and gardens, 25 Chapel Road, Roche


Email from resident in respect of the above pre-application - As the owner of the property next door to the proposed development to the rear of 25 Chapel Road, I would like to voice a few concerns: (1) The proposal to build 2 properties seems excessive. One property would affect my privacy and enjoyment of my home, but would be (reluctantly) acceptable, two would be hugely intrusive, both visually and in terms of noise and general disturbance. (2) The proposal for the properties to be dormer bungalows causes me great concern. Numbers 25, 27 and 27A are all single storey bungalows and even that was initially intrusive for number 25 when 27A was first built. The houses in Foxglove Close have had a huge impact on me, being so large and towering over my back garden, I am very alarmed at the prospect of buildings hemming me in on three sides. I moved here in 1987 when the garden was completely private, despite having houses to the rear on Firsleigh Park. (3) I am also concerned about the access onto Chapel Road being too narrow to serve two properties and all their attendant vehicles. This road has no pavement and is quite busy, with vehicles frequently speeding along it. Egressing onto Chapel Road is dangerous enough without adding even more cars into the mix. (4) Should this development go ahead, please could any doors and windows in number 25 which face me and were previously hidden by the garage, have opaque glazing? To summarise then, whilst I appreciate that some development will almost certainly happen to the rear of number 25, the impact on me would be minimised by it being only one property and only a single storey bungalow, i.e. not a dormer bungalow.


Councillor M. Edyvean proposed we follow up about the access up the side of the bungalow and point this out and ask about emergency services.  Councillor G. Rowe explained it never seems to be clear with regards to back garden development and he believes we could only pick up on access issues and we also need to bear in mind the neighbours comments (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. J. Norris; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett) Action: Clerk.


Update on Site of Poachers Inn:-  Clerk reported designs had been circulated during the month that NU Foundations hopes will answer the majority of the points raised by the Parish Council.  They will request the double yellow lines are enforced along Tregarrick Road and the plan shows that we have incorporated 10 parking spaces and two disabled/visitor spaces. 

The front of the building along Fore Street will line up with the adjacent properties, thus setting this back further from the road and all of the pavement will be retained along Tregarrick Road.  He asked if the Parish Council would prefer to see hanging slate instead of the timber as this seems to be a feature that is used on some of the existing properties along Fore Street?


It was resolved to respond advising we are pleased with the answer and happy with slate instead of the timber (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey) Action: Clerk.


Update on PA18/09982 – 150 Dwellings at Land at Edgcumbe Road, Roche:-  Following the update from Gavin Smith earlier this evening it was resolved to respond advising in principle we understand what you are saying and we would like to understand exactly what money would be available with regards to school, doctors, pavement (i.e. benefits side for the parish) and we would then come back to you after we have relevant information.  Also, to ask for a guarantee no more houses than agreed Action: Clerk to put together a response and circulate to Councillors to include any further information (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Norris)


Planning Results:-


PA20/01171/PREAPP – Mr. John Burton – Pre-application advice for a small holiday let, Land North of Belowda Mine, Belowda, Roche – Closed – Advice Given


PA20/05507 – Mr. Tom Chapman – Works to trees namely – to crown raise all trees in Churchyard to 3m in height, also to remove one piece of Yew subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), St. Gomonda’s Church Open Space, Fore Street, Roche – Approved


PA20/06110 – Mr. Steven Putt – Demolition of conservatory and construction of dining room extension, 2 Prosper Close, Roche – Approved


Planning Correspondence:-


Email from local resident -   I am writing now because Malcolm Dyer has recently heard that there are plans to change the boundary and remove the style at the back of the churchyard. This backs straight on to my Mum’s house at Higher Trerank, as you may know, (she still climbs the style for her exercise when she can) and also may relate to land on which cars, including mine and Malcolm’s parking when visiting my Mum. I have searched for any evidence of a planning application for this and cannot find anything so hope it may simply be a false rumour. But I do want to check on my behalf and on my Mum’s; if there are plans, I would be grateful if you could send me a link to them.  It was agreed this is not a Parish Council matter, it is between the Church and parishioners involved.


















































Land at Glebe Quarry Update:-  Councillor J. Wood reported  there is no update for now but to leave on the agenda Action: Clerk to include on the next agenda and Cornwall Councillor J. Wood to follow up for an update in the meantime.


Email received from David Edwards for an update and advising he was at the Parish Council Meeting when this was first discussed and the proposal for the Parish Council to obtain the land did seem a good one. 

However, a recent Google search brings up some results on the .Gov.UK Website, which raises concerns as to how contaminated this land could be.  He is not sure the Parish Council are on top of this, but there does seem to be some risk that Roche Parish residents could become liable for the eventual clean-up cost of the land.

Clerk/ Cwll. Cllr. J. Wood







Notices for Side Roads Order:- Clerk reported this will be held until the next agenda as no paperwork has been received to date Action: Clerk to include on the next agenda.





Monthly Accounts for Approval:- It was proposed that the Council approve the accounts for payments as listed below as circulated on schedule (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham;  Seconded: Councillor P. Jones) Motion Carried

Salaries, Pensions, National Insurance, Income Tax and Expenses


September 2020



Hard Drives

British Gas – Electric for Toilets



Crystal Clear – Bus Shelter Cleaning


August 2020

DC Professional Services - Maintenance


Hardcourt Area

DC Professional Services


Hanging Gate

Parish Magazine Printing – Service Sheet


Remembrance Day

British Gas – Electric for Toilets





ICO Certificate

Bob Thomas Tarmacdam Contractor


Surface Works



Toner Cartridges

Cornwall Council – NNDR September 2020


Mortuary Building

Crystal Clear – Waste Bins/Litter Picking


August 2020

Lanhydrock Garden Services



Cornwall Waste Solutions Limited


Empty Waste Bin

Lanhydrock Garden Services



AJH Services – Toilet Cleaning


September 2020

DMC IT – Website Updating


August 2020

Receipt: Solar Funding


Wind Turbine

Receipt: Shannon Faber



Receipt: Cornwall Council


Covid-19 Grant

Receipt: Cornwall Council – Interest


September 2020

Clerk reported with regards to the £10,000.00 Covid-19 Grant she had received confirmation Cornwall Council had not been advised of any restrictions as to how the Parish Council can spend the grant and we do not have to confirm to them how we have spent the money.  As a Parish Council we can spend it as we see fit.



















Any Financial Applications received for the Solar Fund and Small Grants Fund for the September quarter:-  Application received from Roche Football Club for Roche Football Field Dug-Out Shielding in the sum of £2,900.00.  It was resolved to donate the sum of £2,900.00 out of the Solar Grant Funding for this project (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch; Seconded: Councillor P. Jones) (1 abstention) Action: Clerk.


Councillor J. Wood advised we need to think about other organisations in the village and asked about an agenda item for next month during Covid-19 to help with these organisations not having funding and perhaps we could use the Solar funding in a different light Action: Clerk.











Discussion on Small Crisis Grants to Individuals and Families as a short-term emergency measure:-  Email received from Sara Marsh, Manager with an update of these Small Crisis Grants advising they currently distribute to individuals & families as a short-term emergency measure.  Normally people are referred by others who are working to support them. They do not ask for proof of benefit, bank statements or need, this is normally taken on trust.  They take information to provide further signposting and food support with the longer-term aim of ensuring they move out of crisis.  They provide up to £70 in cash. They started in March, using a small grant of £500 from Cornwall Community Foundation.  Since then Treverbyn Parish Council have donated £1000 for distribution to residents in need in the parish of Treverbyn and CCF have donated a further £500 for wider community support.  23% of the  grants distributed have been in Roche Parish.  With rising levels of unemployment, furlough ending and winter on the way we are expecting the economic situation to worsen significantly for many more people in the area; it would be really helpful if there were some dedicated funds set aside to help people in Roche who are in hardship.    It would be great if Roche Parish Council could either donate to our hardship fund, on a similar basis to that made by Treverbyn Parish Council or set up and run their own in much the same way that St Stephens Parish Council have done. There is no administration charge for doing this, 100% of the money gets distributed to where it needs to go.   It was resolved to respond advising we will discuss next month what the Parish Council wishes to do (Proposed: Councillor J. Wood; Seconded: Councillor D. Inch) Action: Clerk.


Councillor P. Ames reported unfortunately we have not budgeted for this.  Councillor J. Wood suggested an item on the next agenda for funding - Review of Solar Grant Funding Action: Clerk.





















Cemetery Matters (Including (a) Any Applications for Memorials or Inscriptions; Updating Regulations and Fees and Charges effective from the 1st December 2020):-  Application received from Memorials of Distinction of Bedfordshire for new memorial for the late Bethany Rowett Action: It was resolved to accept this application as per our rules and regulations, ensuring correct payment is made before any work is carried out (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett) Motion Carried.


Application received from Kerrow Memorials for new cremation tablet for the late John Penfold Action: It was resolved to accept this application as per our rules and regulations, ensuring correct payment is made before any work is carried out (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett) Motion Carried


Updating Regulations and Fees and Charge effective from 1st December 2020:-  It was resolved to include information about double gravespaces and sizes for memorials, to increase all fees by inflation plus 2%, rounding figures up and report back to the next meeting for final approval of amendments and fees (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey; Seconded: Councillor P. Jones) Motion Carried Action: Clerk to amend and include on the next agenda.
















Grasscutting Sponsors – Update from Councillors D. Inch:- Chairman reported there has been no feedback at this time.  Action: Next Agenda.


Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett declared a pecuniary interest in respect of the following quote received for signage and abstained from the discussion:-




Minor Repairs/Works in the Parish that may arise (Including (a) No Dog Signs for the Playing Fields x 4; (b) Quote for new top pins to be put on gates):-  Clerk reported quotes had been received as follows:-


3 x No dogs signs

400mm x 300mm printed and laminated to aluminium composite panel with channel to rear for fitting to existing posts, gates or railings - £210.00 or £70.00 each (3 min)


Fitting of above:

Labour and materials - £105.00 or £35.00 each


3 x Parking signs excluding posts, 600mm x 400mm printed and laminated to aluminium composite panel with channel to rear for fitting to existing posts, gates or railings - £255.00 or £85.00 each (3 min) 


Fitting of above:

Labour and materials - £105.00 or £35.00 each


3 x Parking signs including posts, 600mm x 400mm printed and laminated to aluminium composite panel with channel to rear for fitting to 3x new posts - £503.40 or £167.80 each (3 min)


Fitting of above:

Labour and materials - £168.00 or £56.00 each

Any artwork can be confirmed after approval received.


No Dog Signs for the Playing Fields x 4:-  It was resolved to agree to purchase relevant signage, Councillor M. Edyvean to liaise with Supplier regarding artwork, sizing and materials to use for relevant signs (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham) Action: Clerk.


Parking Signs for Roche Rock and Playing Fields directing to Roche Football Club Car Park x 3:-  It was resolved to agree to purchase relevant signage, Councillor M. Edyvean to liaise with Supplier regarding artwork, sizing and materials to use for relevant signs (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham) Action: Clerk.


Quote for new top pins to be put on gates:-  It was resolved to agree that Councillor M. Edyvean meets with Wayne Kendall to discuss how many gates and what is required.  Clerk reported she had spoken with Wayne Kendall and he would be happy with this arrangement, delegated powers given for work to Councillor M. Edyvean (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch Seconded: Councillor P. Jones) Action: Councillor M. Edyvean.


Clerk reported she had a received a call this morning from the gentleman that lives next to the footpath opposite Duck Pond.  He has concerns about a tree next to his property on the footpath side that has a broken branch hanging and resting on another branch and believes it could be dangerous.  It was resolved to ask Lanhydrock Garden Services to remove the branch (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Norris) Action: Clerk to ask person to send picture and send to me and happy to pass on Lanhydrock if works are required.





























Cllr. M. Edyvean










Quote for Works to Old Lane and Quote to bring the Churchyard into the same schedule as the Playing Fields and Cemetery:-  Quotes received as follows:-


Change to 18 cuts per annum on Churchyard - £175.00 per cut, totalling £3,150.00

To increase Chapel cuts to 5 per annum - £260.00 per cut, totalling £1,300.00

To strim hedges and tidy out Old Lane - £528.00

The Avenue – to lay privet to form a thicker hedge and remove vegetation that is not protected due to the conservation area - £1,184.00

Once permission is granted to remove one sycamore tree and raise branches as discussed - £480.00

Once permission is granted to lower height of yews as discussed and remove cherry in Churchyard - £360.00

To raise branches of trees in park as discussed, train and prune willow and import soil to fill in pit by recently cut down tree - £450.00


It was resolved to agree to works as quote received in the total sum of £7,452.00 plus vat (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham; Seconded: Councillor P. Jones) Action: Clerk.
















Covid-19 Nominations for Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall:-  It was resolved to send a general response regarding Parish Councils.   Councillor J. Wood to liaise with Clerk to formulate a response Action: Clerk/Councillor J. Wood.

Clerk/ Cllr. J. Wood



Additional Clothing Bank to be installed in Roche Football Club Car Park:-  Application received from Mr. Alf Crocker to put an additional clothing bank for Bosom Buddies which is a registered charity from St Blazey, ran by Pauline Gilles a  Cornwall Councillor.  They currently have 27 clothing banks placed throughout Cornwall.  They have a website

They offer a payment of £400 for the first year then £200 after for each year for the rent of the space and keep their sites very clean and tidy and pick up any rubbish.  They empty every week and when passing check most days as he lives in Bowling Green. The price is for sole concession of the site, not shared.


It was resolved to the Clerk establishes who gave permission for the original Salvation Army clothes bank on site and defer back response until we have heard back (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett) Action: Clerk.












Remembrance Day Service:-  It was resolved to postpone the Service this year in the circumstances and due to Covid-19, unless we hear differently from the government, Church to ring bells on the day, organisations could lay their wreaths throughout the day at their own discretion (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey) Action: Clerk to inform organisations.






Investigating the use of Multi Skilled Enforcement Officers with St. Dennis Parish Council:-  It was resolved to agree to express an interest and await information once meetings had been held (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett) Action: Clerk.





Vacancy for Par & Newquay Branch Line Representative and Press Officer/Representative on Parish Magazine:- Clerk reported following the resignation of Brian Higman, these two vacancies have arisen, to be filled. 

It was resolved to include on the next agenda to fill these positions and to establish any Working Parties our new Parish Councillor wishes to be included on (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch; Seconded: Councillor G. Rowe) Action: Clerk.








Playing Fields and Hardcore Area:-  Councillor M. Edyvean reported we still need to speak with MPL and suggested a telephone call to follow up tomorrow if possible. When he is carrying out inspections some of the signs go missing, that is why he has asked for the signs to be made.  To keep the Parish Council legal the Playing Field is a dangerous area Action: Councillor M. Edyvean to speak with the Contractor regarding sizing, material and wording of signage.



Cllr. M. Edyvean



Roche Public Conveniences/Bus Shelters:-  Councillor J. Wood reported there are youngsters using the bus shelters to gather on.  A suggestion was to use different seating to stop youngsters sitting for any length of time, i.e. angled seats.  He would be happy to follow up with Cornwall Council if Councillors were happy with this.  Councillors were in agreement to this.  Chairman was concerned that if we move youngsters from the bus shelters they will go elsewhere, we do need to give the youngsters in the village somewhere to go, somewhere to sit, somewhere with light.  Item for next agenda – under Solar Grants idea to spend funding for youngsters in the village Action: Clerk.









Footpath Signs/Matters:-   No update.





Working Group Party for the Village - Street/Road Signs in the Village/Parish and general tidy up of the Village/Parish as a whole:- Clerk reported she had heard from Vicky Bundy as follows - The litter picks are going well David Edwards and Councillor Graham Rowe both attended the last two, thank you as always.  The amount of litter has decreased as we only collected four bags this time which is good but probably to be expected with so many of us staying at home so much. We found several disposable masks and it is mainly the usual drinks and food packaging and cigarette butts. It has been noted there is litter on the verges to and from the village. It would be good to clear these at some point but there would be a risk from passing traffic.  We plan to carry on throughout the year the next one in November 2020 if the date could be confirmed at your meeting?  It was agreed to continue with the litter picking in the village and to remain as the first Sunday of every other month, weather dependent  Action: Clerk.












Articles for Parish Council Website/Newsletter:- Clerk reported an Accessibility Statement had been provided by Dinah Crellin and would be put on the website in line with the email recently received from CALC, although Dinah had been dealing with this over the last few months, so it is brought in line.  Councillors were happy with the Accessibility Statement as set out (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor P. Ames) Action: Clerk.







Correspondence – Clerk listed correspondence and actions required:-

1.    Cornwall Council – Town & Parish Council Bulletin: Eligibility of Town & Parish Councils for various Business Grant

2.    Cornwall Council – Marine European Sites SPD Consultation

3.    CALC – FAQ12 – Local Council Meetings

4.    Cornwall Council Pensions – August 2020 Employer Newsletter

5.    CALC – IMLP Proceeds of Crime Act Grants

6.    Alan Percy – Affordable Housing Secondary Parish Definitions

7.    Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – Latest News – August 2020

8.    Cornwall Council – Proceeds of Crime Act Funding – Deadline 31st August 2020

9.    Cormac Solutions – Town & Parish Council – Highways & Environment Update

10. CALC – Smaller Councils Meeting – Wednesday 2nd September 2020 at 2.30pm

11. Cornwall Council – Voluntary & Community Sector Covid-19 Update – 21st August 2020; 4th September 2020

12. Cornwall Council – Town & Parish Council Covid-19 Update – 21st August 2020; 4th September 2020

13. CALC – Local Government Services Pay Agreement 2020-2021

14. Cornwall Council Pensions – Annual Benefit Statements (ABSs) delayed

15. Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall – Covid: Nominations for Letters of Thanks

16. CALC – Rebuilding Communities

17. Cornwall Council – Your Council’s Invitation to Cornwall Planning’s Local Council Conferences 2020

18. CALC – Pay Award 2020/2021- New Pay Scales and Hourly Rates

19. CALC – Website Accessibility Regulations – Link to recent Webinar Recording

20. Great Western Railway – Extension to Emergency Measures Agreement

21. CALC – Neighbourhood Plan Information

22. Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust – Annual Public Meeting to be held on the 17th September 2020

23. Devon & Cornwall Police – Citizens in Policing Crowdfunding – Community Resilience Fund

24. Cornwall Wildlife Trust – ELMS Survey

25. Cornwall Council – Virtual Fixed Penalty Notice Training – Environmental Crime Enforcement – Wednesday 9th September, 10.00am-12.30pm

26. Cormac Solutions – Town & Parish Council - Highways Update

27. Holly Whitelaw – Climate/Environmental Action Questions

28. CALC – Online Conference on Wilding – Friday 18th September 2020 at 10.00am

29. CALC – Job Vacancies

30. Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine

31. Cornwall Council Pensions – Consultation on reforming Local Government exit pay

32. Buildings at Risk Casework Officer – Cornish Buildings at risk




To arrange any Sub-Committee Meetings required:- None.




Any Urgent Matters the Chairman considers relevant for this meeting:- Chairman suggested we ought to think about a Christmas Tree for the village Action: Next Agenda.




Date of next Meeting:- Wednesday the 14th October 2020 at 6.30pm in the Roche Victory Hall Large Committee Meeting Roche, Roche Victory Hall or via Skype depending on the Country’s status next month.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 7.50pm








Signature:     ………………………………………………




Date:               14th October 2020