
Cllr. D. Inch


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. G. Rowe



Cllr. Mrs. I. Northey

Cllr. P. Jones

Cllr. M. Edyvean


Cllr. D. Yelland

Cwll. Cllr. J. Wood






Apologies:- Councillors Mrs. J. Norris, P. Ames, Mrs. S. Tippett.  Councillor J. Wood said he would have to leave at 7.30pm this evening.  Chairman and Clerk informed members of the sad passing of Helga, Peter Ames’ Wife recently.  Our thoughts and condolences are with Peter and his family at this sad time.  Flowers and a card have been sent.  Clerk passed on thanks from Councillor P. Ames for the flowers he received today saying they were lovely.



Public Forum:-  None.   



Members Declaration of Interest on items raised on the Agenda/Requests for Dispensation:- None.



Monthly Cornwall Councillor Report:-  Cornwall Councillor J. Wood reported he would send details on the budget and expenditure for Cornwall Council, which will be discussed next week.  There is a motorcycle problem at Rosemellyn.  Imerys are saying these are middle aged people with larger bikes and they are being a nuisance.  Enforcement is extremely difficult; all he can do is keep pushing and following up.  The Officers themselves are also finding it very difficult at the current time with Covid, they are in a difficult position.


Chairman suggested a letter be sent about caravans at Victoria and other areas in the Parish to emphasise that the rest of the world is working etc, and it was felt Cornwall Council should be following these matters up more seriously.  It was agreed a letter be drafted between Cornwall Councillor J. Wood and the Clerk to send from the Parish Council.  Cornwall Councillor J. Wood confirmed he would also send a letter himself as well Action: Cornwall Councillor J. Wood/Clerk.


Chairman thanked Cornwall Councillor J. Wood for his report this evening.








Cwll. Cllr. J. Wood/ Clerk


Confirmation of Parish Minutes from the Monthly Meeting and Closed Staffing Minutes held on the 11th November 2020:- Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 11th November 2020 and the closed Staffing Minutes of the 11th November 2020 as circulated were confirmed as a true and accurate record and to be duly signed by the Chairman (Proposed: Councillor D. Yelland; Seconded: Councillor G. Rowe)



Matters Arising from the Monthly Minutes of the Meeting held on the 11th November 2020:-


Page 2 Min.315/19 Sheds erected on the junction of Belowda:-  It was noted this is an ongoing situation and would be continued to be followed up and tracked by Cornwall Councillor J. Wood. It was agreed an email be sent after this meeting, date to be duly noted for the minutes Action: Keep Pending and Cornwall Councillor J. Wood to follow up, monitor and report back to the Parish Council.

Page 2 Min.289/19 Caravans in Roche Parish at Tregoss:-  It was noted this is an ongoing situation and would be continued to be followed up and tracked by Cornwall Councillor J. Wood. It was agreed an email be sent after this meeting, date to be duly noted for the minutes Action: Keep Pending and Cornwall Councillor J. Wood to follow up, monitor and report back to the Parish Council.


Page 2 Min.179/20 Fitting and Supply of Basketball Hoops and Backboards:-  Clerk reported these were now in situ on the Harcourt Area.


Page 4 Min.295/20 Additional Time for Emptying Waste Bins:-  Clerk reported this is in hand and will be updated and charged accordingly.


Page 5 Min.296/20 Damaged Signs:-  Cornwall Councillor J. Wood reported he would follow up and apologised for not doing so during the last month Action: Keep Pending. 


Page 6 Min.297/20 Clothes Bank in Football Club Car Park:-  Clerk reported she had requested the removal of the existing clothes bank and would inform Mr. Crocker once removed Action: Keep Pending.


Page 8 Min.305/20 Poachers Site and Parking during build:-  Clerk reported a response had been receiving confirming the offer of parking was great news and they would be more than happy to help out with either a donation or some repairs locally that would benefit the community.  They would also consider the option of running a taxi service for the contractors, however, given the current climate that will need to be reviewed closer to the time. When they have their Construction Phase Plan put together, he would be in touch so the Parish Council knows how they will be planning the development.


Agenda Item for next Meeting – Support Project for the Village Action: Clerk.



Clerk/ Cwll. Cllr. J. Wood



Clerk/ Cwll. Cllr. J. Wood





Cwll. Cllr. J. Wood













Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Any Letters received for or against any Planning Applications:-  Clerk reported that proposals for planning applications will be sent with the following statement:-  Due to the restrictions placed on the Parish Council as a result of the pandemic coronavirus, this response represents the opinion of Members of Roche Parish Council identified through a consultation process and will be ratified at the next appropriate meeting of the Parish Council.

Planning Applications:-

PA20/10192 – Nicola Bullen – Non material amendment in relation to Decision Notice PA19/02780 dated 3rd June 2019 (Conversion of existing barn to as single residential dwelling-house), Belowda Barn, Belowda, Roche - Support (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch; Seconded: Councillor J. Wood)


PA20/07816 – Miss Zoe Teague – Single-Storey rear extension with a flat roof to the property, 8 Rock View Parc, Roche - Support (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor G. Rowe)


Planning Results:-

PA20/02299/PREAPP – Ms. Felicity Wood & Mr. Andrew McIndoe – Pre-application advice for a home office and yoga space in the garden of the applicant’s house, The Old Chapel, Tremodrett Lane, Roche – Closed – Advice Given

PA20/07499 – Ms. N. Lomax – Provision of an agricultural building for hay and equipment storage on small holding, Woodlands Barton, Wireless Road, Tremodrrett, Roche – Approved

















Monthly Accounts for Approval:- It was proposed that the Council approve the accounts for payments as listed below as circulated on schedule (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones;  Seconded: Councillor D. Yelland) Motion Carried

Salaries, Pensions, National Insurance, Income Tax and Expenses


December 2020

AJH Services – Toilet Cleaning


November 2020

DMC IT – Website Updating


October 2020

Complete Weed Control – Weed Treat


Autumn 2020

PKF Littlejohn LLP


External Audit Fee

British Gas – Electric for Toilets



Crystal Clear – Waste Bins/Litter Picking


November 2020

Cornwall Council – NNDR December 2020


Mortuary Building

Duchy Defibrillators Ltd (inc. Set-up Fee)


Monitoring Fee

Sovereign Design Play Systems Ltd


Basketball Hoops

Crystal Clear – Bus Shelter Cleaning


December 2020

Cornwall Waste Solutions Limited


Empty Waste Bin

Duchy Cemetery’s Limited – Interment



Lanhydrock Garden Services





Hire Harris Fencing

Andy’s Florist



DMC IT – Website Updating


November 2020

AJH Services – Toilet Cleaning


December 2020

South West Water



Receipt: HMRC – VAT Reimbursement


October 2020

Receipt: Kerrow Memorials



Receipt: Robert Lawrence Memorials



Receipt: Mr. & Mrs. Ringrose



Receipt: Cornwall Council - Interest


November 2020

















Report from External Audit for Annual Account Year Ending 31st March 2020:- Report received as circulated and to be included on the Parish Council Website.  It was resolved to accept the report for the year 31st March 2020 (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch; Seconded: Councillor J. Wood).  Councillor J. Wood expressed thanks to the Clerk for dealing with the Annual Accounts this year with Covid, as it has been a difficult time for all under the circumstances Action: Clerk. 






Discussion on Parish Council Email Addresses for Councillors and Costs involved:-  It was resolved to go with emails if we can, ensuring Councillors delete emails regularly with Clerk having capacity she has now and Chairman and Councillor M. Edyvean have a possible hire allowance of data.  It was noted that there would be a need in the future to meet with our IT
Technician to allow her to update Councillors laptops (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch; Seconded: Councillor M. Edyvean) Action: Clerk.  It was noted to defer this item until we have dealt with Min.317/20 below and speak to St. Stephen Parish Council.







Discussion on Professional Version of Microsoft Teams Software for holding on-line Meeting and Costs Involved:-  It was recommended to go with the best version of Microsoft Teams for the Parish Council and perhaps after the elections in May 2021 to have a training session to ensure all Councillors are up to speed with the system (Proposed: Councillor J. Wood; Seconded: Councillor D. Yelland).

Councillor D. Yelland and Clerk had looked at the versions available and were not sure it would be compatible with all laptops/computers, therefore, it was agreed before agreeing the version the Clerk to investigate the possibility of laptops for Councillors and herself and speak with the Clerk to St Stephen Parish Council, as they recently set up something similar, to see what they had done before committing ourselves Action: Clerk to obtain background information and discuss over the next couple of months and to also ask about their emails as well and how they manage it.  Chairman and Councillor J. Wood suggested attending one of their online meetings to see how well it works.









Approval of Budget and Setting of Annual Precept:-  It was resolved to approve the budget and set the annual precept at £153,000 (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor G. Rowe) Action: Clerk.

It was agreed we need to have action point for such a rise to inform parishioners as required.  Councillor J. Wood to send some points to the Clerk to include in the minutes and for anyone asking about the large increase Action: Councillor J. Wood/Clerk.


Details as follows - It is very important that as a Parish Council we must maintain our current level of services. We are very aware that many Councils are in serious financial deficits. It is largely those Councils that heeded Government advice to spend their reserves during austerity to maintain or even improve services. Not having reserves to face the present financial implications is having serious implications for many Councils who are now facing a financial crisis. We are aware that the Government will once again be ‘capping’ District and County Councils. This will have a serious impact on the level of services that they are able to offer. Those that are not mandatory will have to be seriously re-considered with the possibility that more will be asked of Parish and Town Councils. We have been very fortunate that with prudent management we have been able to maintain our reserves. At a level that we think will enable us to continue with our present programmes and embark on projects to provide better facilities for our young people. Especially that teenage group who often feel that they are neglected and left with nothing to do. Repeatedly we have received requests for a skateboard park and ‘chat shacks. We have accounted for monies towards these ambitious projects in our reserves which will enable us to apply for grants and approach sponsors many of which demand ‘match funding’. We have endeavoured to keep the increase in our precept at an acceptable level and well below that of many others.



Cllr. J. Wood/ Clerk


St. Austell to A30 Link Road – Naming of New Roundabouts:-  It was resolved to Harmony - Harmony Roundabout, for Tregoss - Tregoss Roundabout, Trezaise – Trezaise Roundabout  (Proposed: Councillor J. Wood; Seconded: Councillor D. Yelland) Action: Clerk.




Cemetery Matters (Including any Applications for Memorials or Inscriptions):-  Application received from Drew Memorials for new memorial for the late Wendy Mizen Action: It was resolved to accept this application as per our rules and regulations, ensuring correct payment is made before any work is carried out (Proposed: Councillor; P. Jones Seconded: Councillor G. Rowe) Motion Carried.


Application received from Daniel Tresise & Sons Monument Masons for new memorial, cover slab and vases for the late Leonard Richards Action: It was resolved to accept this application as per our rules and regulations, ensuring correct payment is made before any work is carried out (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor G. Rowe) Motion Carried.









Minor Repairs/Works in the Parish that may arise:-  None.



Playing Fields and Hardcourt Area:-  Chairman reported he was going to suggest not to do white-lining in the Hardcourt Area until at least the Spring.  It was agreed the Clerk to inform the Contractor to put on hold until further notice (Proposed: Councillor M. Edyvean; Seconded: Councillor D. Yelland) Action: Clerk.


Clerk reported the Contractor had confirmed at the current time it is looking like the New Year before he can commence work in the Hardcourt area due to problems obtaining materials at the current time.  It was agreed to email the Contractor again, copying in Chairman and Councillor M. Edyvean for an update on what he is expecting to start work on Action: Clerk.










Roche Public Conveniences/Bus Shelters:-  Clerk queried whether Cornwall Councillor J. Wood had got anywhere with changing of the seats in the bus shelters on Fore Street?  Cornwall Councillor John Wood would follow up again as he had not heard anything Action: Cornwall Councillor J. Wood.

Cwll. Cllr. J. Wood


Footpath Signs/Matters (Including Offer of Local Maintenance Partnership Support for 2021-2022):-   It was resolved to accept the offer of the grant of £1,080.30 for the financial year 2021-2022 when paperwork is received (Proposed: Councillor J. Wood; Seconded: Councillor D. Yelland) Action: Clerk.




Working Group Party for the Village - Street/Road Signs in the Village/Parish and general tidy up of the Village/Parish as a whole:- Clerk reported she had ordered more litter pickers as requested by Vicky Bundy who had confirmed the next collection date will be the first Sunday in January on the 3rd, unless it is snowing.



Articles for Parish Council Website/Newsletter:- Clerk reported there would be no report now due for the newsletter until the February Edition.



Correspondence – Clerk listed correspondence and actions required:-

1.     Cornwall Council – Town & Parish Council Covid-19 Update – 13th November, 20th November, 27th November, 4th December 2020

2.     Cornwall Council – Voluntary & Community Sector Covid-19 Update – 27th November 2020

3.     CALC – Briefing on Skateboard Parks

4.     Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner -Take a moment to help shape the future of policing in Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

5.     CALC – Code of Conduct for Clerks and Additional Councillor Session

6.     Ocean Housing Group – Annual Review 2019-2020

7.     CALC – Skateboard Parks

8.     Great Western Railway – New Timetable from Sunday 13th December

9.     CALC – Risk Assessment – Parish Council Christmas Lights

10. Cornwall Council – Climate Change Working Group – 15th November

11. Tim Brooks Garden Services – Foamstream: Herbicide-Free Weed Control

12. Cornwall Council Pensions – November 2020 Employer Newsletter

13. CALC – Online Payment System

14. CC Pensions – Employer Forms

15. Alan Percy, Cubert Parish Council – Affordable Housing Concerns

16. Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – Management Plan Survey

17. CALC – NALC/Nimble e-learning modules pilot

18. Great Western Railway – Christmas Travel Window

19. Cornwall Rural Community Council – Village Halls/Community Buildings – How to apply for Government Financial Support

20. The Butterflies Foundation – Support

21. Imerys – Community Liaison Group

22. CALC – Cornwall Reopening Safely – Live Facebook Event Today

23. Cornwall Council – China Clay Community Network Panel Meeting – Monday 7th December at 7.00pm

24. Cornwall Council – Climate Change Working Group

25. CALC – Link to Facebook Event

26. Great Western Railway – Rail Improvement Works starting this weekend

27. Great Western Railway – Update on GWR Managing Director

28. CALC – Steve Parkinson Online Training Course – Internal Controls – Additional Dates

29. Steve Double MP – November 2020 E-News

30. CALC – Standards Matter 2: Public Consultation and Public Sector Surveys

31. Cornwall Council – Town & Parish Elections - 6th May 2021 – Uncontested Election £238.74; Contested Election £2,798.92

32. Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner – Annual Report 2019-2020

33. Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner – Take a virtual tour around the new Exeter Station

34. Citizens Advice Cornwall – Winter Newsletter

35. Steve Double MP – Covid-19 Vaccine Volunteers Needed

36. Steve Double MP – St. Austell & Newquay Covid-19 Vaccine Survey

37. Active Cornwall Bulletin

38. Cornwall Council Pensions – December 2020 Employer Newsletter

39. Roche Football Club – Copy of invoice for Solar Grant



To arrange any Sub-Committee Meetings required:-  None.



Any Urgent Matters the Chairman considers relevant for this meeting:- Councillor M. Edyvean reported the Church had completed an application for solar funding for the Church Bells, ready to be submitted.  It was agreed to include on the next agenda Action: Clerk.


Chairman reported on solar grant applications and suggested that after we discussed the last one above, the Parish Council withdraw for now, so no-one can apply for the moment in time, as we may use this funding towards a skateboard park Action: Clerk to remove from Website and Magazine.


Chairman reported what a year, we have done a lot, we have welcomed Dave Yelland and it has all in all been a good year.  We have made a big difference to the village and we have made some brave decisions this evening going forward.  Hopefully with the vaccinations we will all be back out and about in the Spring.  We can then have a Christmas drink when we get together.








Date of next Meeting:- Wednesday the 13th January 2021 at 6.30pm in the Roche Victory Hall Large Committee Meeting Roche, Roche Victory Hall or via Microsoft Teams depending on the Country’s status next month.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 7.29pm







Signature:     ………………………………………………




Date:            13th January 2021