
Cllr. D. Inch


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. G. Rowe



Cllr. M. Edyvean

Cllr. Mrs. I. Northey

Cllr. Mrs. J. Oxenham


Cllr. P. Ames

Cllr. D. Yelland

Cllr. Mrs. S. Tippett


Call. Cllr. J. Wood

Steve Gudge - CC

Dylan Myers - Designer


2 Members of Public







Apologies:- Councillors Mrs. J. Norris, P. Jones



Public Forum:-  Two Members of public joined, Brian Chapman and Paula Gardiner, along with Mr. Dylan Myers, Planning Designer and Mr. Steve Gudge, Cornwall Council.


Brian Chapman reported he was attending as an observer this evening but was really interested in the planning application for Poachers, as he has concerns, and wants to know whether he has to put in a formal objection.  Councillor J. Wood commented that objecting because you do not like the look of it needs to have planning grounds and he needs to look at the neighbourhood design guide for Roche and Cornwall.


Paula Gardiner reported they have put in a planning application in and just wanted to listen into the meeting this evening.


Dylan Myers reported he was attending to answer any questions and to see what the Parish Council thought of the latest amendments with regards to the Poachers site re-development.  Councillor J. Wood asked how he felt about density and the type of properties he noted are fairly small.  Dylan Myers advised they had tried to stick with design guides and make it useful for people with disabilities and to make sure there is enough parking etc.  They have put forward for double yellow lines.  Councillor J. Wood advised legal costs are quite high with regards to double yellow lines and he wondered if the Parish Council would still want double yellow lines in this area once the new road goes through. Dylan Myers reported it is hoped to start this development in the new year.  He was going to bring a demolition plan to a future Parish Council meeting.  Councillor J. Wood asked about blocking of the road with regards to the demolition, as a Parish Council are we going to say he can work weekends or just weekdays and this could cause absolute chaos in the middle of the village and needs to be looked at seriously.  Chairman thinks may be better to deal with quickly and work all days, include weekends to get demolition done as quickly and as soon as possible.



Members Declaration of Interest on items raised on the Agenda/Requests for Dispensation:- None.



Notices for Side Roads Order:- Chairman asked if there was an update on Victoria Junction. 

Steve Gudge reported the contractors have this on their list of things to do, to look at junction for Victoria and Old A30 to see what the best form of junction would be, and they will need to come up with some proposals for this. The access from Victoria Road to the railway bridge was also queried and it was queried what developments are on this.  Steve Gudge reported they have an open mind on Victoria Road with various proposals to close the road with restricted access and other proposals to keep it open.  It has finally balanced and there are number of traffic orders to be dealt with. This will have to be discussed with further consultation with the community, unfortunately leaving it open could allow traffic to continue to use it, making Roche a short cut, thus not reducing the traffic through the village.


It was resolved there were no objections to the side roads order (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey; Seconded: Councillor M. Edyvean) Action: Clerk.


Mr. Steve Gudge left the meeting at 6.30pm.














Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Any Letters received for or against any Planning Applications:-  Clerk reported that proposals for planning applications will be sent with the following statement:-  Due to the restrictions placed on the Parish Council as a result of the pandemic coronavirus, this response represents the opinion of Members of Roche Parish Council identified through a consultation process and will be ratified at the next appropriate meeting of the Parish Council.


Planning Applications:-


PA20/06208 – Rosebay Court Limited – Proposed demolition of existing building and replacement with 10 two-bedroom apartments, Poachers Inn, 23 Fore Street, Roche – Support (Proposed: Councillor J. Wood; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey)


Mr. Dylan Myers left the meeting at 6.38pm.


PA20/07038 – Mr. & Mrs. Gardiner – Proposed conservatory extension and vehicular access, 24 Mayfield Drive, Roche – Support (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett; Seconded: Councillor J. Wood)


PA20/07499 – Mr. N. Lomax – Provision of an agricultural building for hay and equipment storage on small holding, Woodland Barton, Wireless Road, Tremodrett, Roche – It was resolved to go with the Cornwall Council Planning Officer’s comments (Proposed: Councillor J. Wood; Seconded: Councillor P. Ames)


Update on PA18/09982 – 150 Dwellings at Land at Edgcumbe Road, Roche:-  Clerk reported an email had initially been received from Gavin Smith advising it was his intention to take this planning application to a Committee Meeting with an officer recommendation of approval with conditions to ensure that all provisions of the Neighbourhood Plan are fully met.  He would send a copy of the Planning Officer report highlighting contributions as soon as possible.  In terms of housing numbers, he confirmed the current application is proposing up to 150 homes. Any planning application to increase this number in the future would need to be carefully considered at such time. 

Since this information had been received with a link to the report which could be viewed 7 days before the date of the meeting and any Councillors wish to speak to request using the on-line form.  Councillor J. Wood will be attending the meeting and putting forward the Parish Council’s concerns and comments.  It was agreed that the Parish Council would not support until the road is approved and funding received for commencement of the project Action: Cornwall Councillor J. Wood.


Update on PA19/00848 – Retention and completion of dwelling with amended height/siting – Little Trerank, The Lodge, Access Road to Little Trerank, Roche -  Appeal Dismissed, No Costs Claimed.


Planning Results:-


PA20/05759 – Mr. & Mrs. D. Russell – Proposed change of use of paddock to menage (riding arena), with associated works, Land East of 139 Trezaise Road, Trezaise Road, Roche – Approved


PA20/01589/PREAPP – Mr. Michael John Kent – Pre-application advice for the demolition of existing garage to obtain access to rear garden to build two new detached dormer bungalows with parking and gardens, 25 Chapel Road, Roche – Closed – Advice Given





























Cllr. J. Wood












Land at Glebe Quarry Update:-  Councillor J. Wood reported he had sent an email advising with the impending start of the 'new road' which will bring with it 150 more houses the Parish Council is reluctant to embrace another large scheme at this juncture.  He knows that they will be put under a lot of pressure because of the present economic situation. He does, however, agree with them that until the road has taken the traffic out of the village just loading the community with more housing now is not feasible. Education and health facilities in the community are at capacity and the pedestrian access to the school, park, surgery and shops is most unsatisfactory from the site proposed.  We really do need a long delay mechanism on this site. Yes, he agrees that it will eventually come forward but surely not now once again he repeated that Cornwall Council must work with the community and not 'do things' to the community.


A response was received advising they fully understand where we are coming from, as discussed earlier in the year the Council are not looking to do anything to the community.  They are currently delivering a scheme in Veryan which we have fully involved the community in throughout and I am sure Councillor German would be happy to discuss how this has worked. He understands this is still a timing issue for the community, and he would report this back to colleagues in property.  As discussed before, the main reason for bringing forward was to assist with removing the management burden of the site and generating a benefit from it at the earliest opportunity. 


Councillor J. Wood reported they contacted him again about what is happening, and he informed them until they come forward with information regarding infrastructure on schools, doctor’s surgery, etc.  No more development in the village at the current time would be agreed by the Parish Council and at this time they will be backing off, he is waiting for this in writing.




Distribution of Government Grant:- Councillor J. Wood and the Chairman both suggested grants to organisations as set out in email circulated to come from the £10,000.00 recently received from Cornwall Council.  It was resolved to send grants as proposed from this fund (Proposed: Councillor J. Wood; Seconded: Councillor D. Inch) Action: Clerk to make payment by bank transfers and report in next month village newsletter.





Review of Solar Grant Funds during Covid-19 (to look at (a) Small Crisis Fund; (b) Spending Funds for Youngsters in the Village):-  Councillor J. Wood will speak with youngsters before the next Parish Council Meeting.  He was thinking about something like a chat box , using an old storage container and have it converted, to have one sited possibly in Football Social Club Car Park and Roche Victory Hall Car Park, to give them a meeting place out of the rain.


Chairman reported his hope is to develop half of the tennis court area into a skateboard park and incorporate elements of what Councillor J. Wood is talking about, i.e. the chat shack. It may be worth getting a selection of contractors to come and give us a proposal and Clerk has contacted other Councils to see what costs were involved.  He believes we could do something as a wow factor, we have a great park, footpaths and walkways and what we are missing is something for our teenagers to do and hang around in.  Other areas that have skateboard parks are well used and keep the children off the streets.


It was resolved the Clerk, Councillors M. Edyvean, Mrs. S. Tippett and Chairman hold an offline meeting to arrange obtaining some quotations and suggestions on site (Proposed: Councillor J. Wood; Seconded: Councillor G. Rowe) Action: Clerk.















Cemetery Matters (Including (a) Any Applications for Memorials or Inscriptions; Updating Regulations and Fees and Charges effective from the 1st December 2020):-  No memorial applications received.


Updating Regulations and Fees and Charge effective from 1st December 2020:-  It was resolved to update regulations and fees and charges as set out effective from 1st October and in future going forward to update fees and charges on the 1st January each year, although not required for 1st January 2021 (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey; Seconded: Councillor P. Ames) Motion Carried Action: Clerk.









Christmas Tree for the Village:-  Chairman reported that Andrew Thomas had agreed last year to put in place, and we had Chris Tyrell to donate a tree.  Chairman suggested the best place would be on the roundabout to the left of the Chinese and we can then come up with a power supply from one of the local businesses and pay them and he asked if Councillor G. Rowe would deal with this for the Parish Council Action: Councillor G. Rowe.


New Lights would be required, Clerk to liaise with Councillors G. Rowe and M. Edyvean to purchase the lights Action: Clerk and Councillors.


(Proposed: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett; Seconded: Councillor M. Edyvean)



Cllr. G. Rowe




Any Urgent Matters the Chairman considers relevant for this meeting:- None



Date of next Meeting:- Wednesday the 14th October 2020 at 6.00pm in the Roche Victory Hall Large Committee Meeting Roche, Roche Victory Hall or via Microsoft Teams depending on the Country’s status next month.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 7.25pm







Signature:     ………………………………………………




Date:               14th October 2020