
Cllr. D. Inch


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. G. Rowe



Cllr. M. Edyvean

Cllr. M. Taylor

Cllr. D. Yelland


Cllr. P. Jones

Cllr. Mrs. S. Tippett

Cllr. Mrs. H. Retallick


Cwll. Cllr. P. Guest

3 Members of Public






Apologies:- Councillors Mrs. A. King, Mrs. J. Oxenham, Mrs. L. Harrison



Public Forum:-  Three members of Public in attendance. Simon Jones from Live West reported they are looking at where there are opportunities and they know there is more land available at Trezaise for development and they have funding available.  They just wanted to engage with the Parish Council at an early stage to establish what is needed for local people.  There is no presentation this evening but they believe there is an housing crisis and there is land available.


Councillor G. Rowe asked what sort of size site they are looking at.  They advised it would be a minimum of 20 dwellings, to deal with a small number.  They would like to know what need there is, for what type of developments, i.e. how many bedrooms.


Councillor G. Rowe thanked the members of public for attending the meeting this evening and reporting on the suggested development. This is something that Councillors need to talk about and perhaps liaise with absent Councillors this evening and respond back in due course.


Councillor M. Taylor reported on a couple of processes from the Neighbourhood Plan. The village is currently over-provided already on affordable. There are concerns with the school and children being taken out of the village, this is a major issue in the parish. Where there is definite demand is low cost affordable ownership. There was quite a lot of discussion around the new road within the Neighbourhood Plan and he suggested they read through the plan, if not already done.

Simon Jones and Mr. Morcom left the meeting at 6.53pm.



Members Declaration of Interest on items raised on the Agenda/Requests for Dispensation:-  Councillor M. Taylor declared a pecuniary interest in respect of two planning applications PA21/11665 and PA21/11666.

Councillor D. Inch declared a non-registerable interest in the letter from Roche Victory Hall Social Club in respect of celebrations for HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.



Monthly Cornwall Councillor Report:- Councillor P. Guest reported as follows - Happy new year to you all, I hope you all had a good break, are rested, refreshed and raring to go in 2022.

·         December is always a funny month from a work perspective, meetings and committee sittings tend to wind down as the holiday season approaches, although, I was hauled in on an urgent licensing matter during the Christmas break. Personally, I worked all through the festive season, primarily on residents casework, but also getting up to speed on my project work involving Adult Education and Children in Care.

·         One of my December highlights was to attend the Christmas fair/fundraiser for the panto in Victory Hall, it was well attended and as always, well organised, so, thank you to all who were involved in that. I did detect certain hidden ‘musical talents’ from a Parish Councillor who shall remain unnamed.mThe only downside was that unlike Bugle’s Carol Service, I was not allowed to sit on Santa’s knee.

·         It has been heartening to see the skatepark being used, every time I go past either driving or taking the hound on his ‘Rock run’ there are always people there enjoying this fantastic new facility. The proposed artwork project is moving forward, it is hoped to firm down certain ideas and concepts very shortly, these will then be pitched to the local school, your good-selves and any other interested parties with a view to carrying out the work over the February half term break.

·         The proposed development north of Harmony Road is currently a confidential pre app, and because of that, the Planning Officer responsible is limited as to what information he can disclose at the moment. I can reassure you though that our feelings on this matter have been shared with him and our comments noted.

·         Tomorrow (Tuesday 11th January) I will be taking part in a Police and Crime Commissioners Focus Group. She will be arguing for the maximum precept increase to be included in this years Council tax bills, I will be arguing for the maximum ‘Bang for our buck.’ I will report back on this at the next meeting.

·         Looking back on 2021, especially from when I was selected as a candidate in March for the elections, through the campaign and when I was elected in May, it has been a whirlwind. I feel a lot has been achieved, but, there is so much more to do in order to make a change for the better for this Parish’s residents. I am grateful to you all for the support and advice you have given me.

·         2022 promises to be a tough year, from a County Council perspective, there are going to be some difficult conversations, especially with the provision of services and staffing levels because of our financial situation. I am always mindful that behind all the soundbites and political posturing, it is peoples jobs that are on the line and I hope this is borne in mind by some of my fellow members before they go running off to the press. There will be changes within the Council and these will not be taken lightly by those making the decisions. I will keep you as fully briefed as I am allowed to, as these changes may affect the levels of support you currently enjoy.

·         In closing, once again, thank you for all you have done in 2021 and I am looking forward to working closely with you in 2022.

·         Not much progress on the enforcement front, I will circulate the latest information tonight, I have requested an update for January, but will have to chase it up as they are still catching up from the Christmas break.

·         There will be a brief after a meeting tomorrow in respect of the new road, which he will circulate to Councillors Action: Cornwall Councillor P. Guest.

Chairman thanked Cornwall Councillor P. Guest for his report this evening.





































Cwll. Cllr. P. Guest


Confirmation of Parish Minutes from the Monthly Meeting held on the 6th December 2021:- Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 6th December 2021 as circulated were confirmed as a true and accurate record and to be duly signed by the Vice-Chairman (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor D. Yelland)



Matters Arising from the Monthly Minutes of the Meeting held on the 6th December 2021:-

Page 3 Min.310/20 Caravans in Roche Parish, including Victoria and other areas; Page 3 Min.315/19 Sheds erected on the junction of Belowds; Page 3 Min.289/19 Caravans in Roche Parish at Tregoss:-  Clerk reported that Cornwall Councillor P. Guest had compiled a list of all outstanding enforcement cases in Roche which had been circulated. This information will now be discussed each month with an update under a new item on the agenda – Planning Enforcements Items.


Page 4 Min.322/32 Greenacres, Victoria Update:-  Clerk reported nothing further had been heard and she had followed up again Action: Clerk and Cornwall Councillor P. Guest to follow up for a response and email CDC.


Page 4 Min.281/21 Remembrance Day Service for 2022:-  Clerk reported she was still waiting to hear about changing to a morning service for next year instead of the afternoon service Action: Keep Pending and Clerk to follow up.


Page 6 Min.320/21 Contribution to Roche Brass for Remembrance Day:- Letter received from Roche Brass thanking the Parish Council for the donation, confirming it is always a privilege to take part in this special day, and very much look forward to doing it again this year.


Page 6 Min.321/21 Annual Precept:-  Clerk reported that confirmation had been received in respect of the precept request.








Clerk/CwllCllr. P. Guest




Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Any Letters received for or against any Planning Applications:-  


Planning Applications:-


Councillor M. Taylor declared a pecuniary interest in respect of the follow two planning applications and duly left the meeting room:-

PA21/11665 – Lord Matthew Taylor – Proposed single storey extension, The Old Rectory, Fore Street, Roche – Support (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor D. Yelland)


PA21/11666 – Lord Matthew Taylor – Listed Building Consent for a proposed single storey extension, The Old Rectory, Fore Street, Roche - Support (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor D. Yelland)


Councillor M. Taylor returned to the meeting room.






PA21/11750 – MRMU – One internally illuminated badge box sign and one digital over-door sign to main elevation of amenity building, Cornish Gateway Services, Victoria, Roche – Support – Do they have permission for what has been done already and we would note the Parish Council has concerns that we seem to be getting a lot of applications for signage and we feel it needs tidying up on this site, the problem is there are so man y signs, when it would be much amalgamated (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. H. Retallick; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett)


PA21/09390 – D’Agostino & Chasey – Listed Building Consent for the renovation of Brynn Mill and attached cottage (Historic Asset) with small design change and amendments to design of separate new dwelling (enabling development) approved under PA15/11460 and PA13/07737, Brynn Mill, Road from Demelza Road to Brynn Mill, Roche - Support (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. H. Retallick)


PA21/12543 – Mrs. Clare Eddy – Proposed overhead pole work at Victoria, Roche, namely to run a third wire approximately 222m in length between existing poles numbered 43XF17 through to 43XF17B. In additional WPD will be required to erect 9 new poles and 7 stay wires to support approximately 580m of three wire HDC conductors as well as a pole with a lazy leg pole to support a new pole mounted transformer (PMT). From this PMT WPD will take an underground cable to provide the new connection, Street Record, Victoria, Roche - Support (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor G. Rowe)


PA21/12636 – C/Agent – Screening request under the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Regulations 2017) : Residential Development of up to 150 dwellings, play area and provision of open space, Land North of Harmony Road, Edgcumbe Road, Roche - Support (Proposed: Councillor G. Rowe; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett)


Planning Results Received:-

PA21/07933 – Mr. & Mrs. Jon Dennis – Proposed single storey extension, refurbishment of existing kitchen and associated works, 19 Shires Way, Roche – Approved


Planning Correspondence Received:-


(a)   PA21/03082/PREAPP – 200 Homes North of Harmony Road. It was resolved to send letter as detailed advising we understand that this is likely to relate to the site allocated in the Neighbourhood Plan for 150 homes. We trust the following will be reflected in the pre-app advice:  The Neighbourhood Plan allocated the site for 150 homes of high quality and a spacious layout (contingent on the delivery of a new road bypassing the village – which is to be delivered as the St.Austell-A30 Link Road). This is already in excess of any requirement for homes in Roche Parish under the Cornwall Local Plan (in fact the required homes have already been delivered, and several other sites are also allocated). The Neighbourhood Plan was approved by the examiner and overwhelmingly supported in the Neighbourhood Plan referendum. There is therefore no basis in policy to add a further 50 homes. Moreover, the proposals should reflect the requirements of the Neighbourhood Plan for high quality design reflecting local vernacular and enhancing the quality of the community – this would not be delivered by either increased density or standard low quality house types. The value of the land should have been/be reflected in these requirements. Of course, should the pre-app apply to land outside the proposed Neighbourhood Plan allocation, it should in any event be made clear such additional development would not be supported. Clearly it is important to ensure the advice given supports the Neighbourhood Plan (Proposed: Councillor D. Yelland; Seconded: Councillor D. Inch) Action: Clerk.

(b)   PA21/11221 – Mr. Rid – Email confirming application will be withdrawn.

(c)    PA21/10408 – Mr. Luke Grose, 2 Storey Extension to provide Kitchen/Dining with 2 bedrooms and ensuite over, 46 Rock View Park, Roche – advising they can sympathise with local opinion, they do not think they can demonstrate the work is unacceptable. So they wanted to know if the Parish Council would raise concern if a permission was granted?  It was resolved to confirm we are concerned about the overall size of the extension but will be guided by the Planning Officer on this occasion (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch; Seconded: Councillor P. Jones) Action: Clerk.


































































Planning Enforcement Items:-  Clerk advised that due to GDPR Regulations this information should be reported under Closed Session.  Councillors agreed with this information to be included under Closed Session every month going forward Action: Clerk.




Monthly Accounts for Approval:- It was proposed that the Council approve the accounts for payments as listed below as circulated on schedule (Proposed: Councillor G. Rowe;  Seconded: Councillor D. Inch)

Salaries, Pensions, National Insurance, Income Tax and Expenses


January 2022

Cornwall Waste Solutions - Bins


November 2021

Roche Victory Hall



Lanhydrock Garden Services



AJH Services – Toilet Cleaning


December 2021

DMC IT – Website Updating


November 2021

Lanhydrock Garden Services


November 2021

Crystal Clear Limited – Bus Shelters


December 2021

Stephens Scown LLP – Duck Pond


Legal Fees

Duchy Cemetery’s Limited – Interment



Maverick Industries



Bob Thomas Tarmaccing



British Gas – Electric for Toilets



Duchy Cemetery’s Limited – Interment



Crystal Clear Limited – Waste Bins


December 2021

HCI Data Limited – Email Storage


Aug-Dec 2021

DMC IT – Website Updating


December 2021

South West Water – Toilets



Roche Victory Hall – Hire Hall


January 2022

Topan Fencing Limited



Gallagher Insurance


Skatepark Prem.

Lanhydrock Garden Services


December 2021

Lanhydrock Garden Services


Outstanding Works

Lanhydrock Garden Services


Outstanding Works

EDF Energy – Street Lighting



Receipt: HMRC – VAT Reimbursement


November 2021

Receipt: Cornwall Council – Interest


November 2021

Receipt: Lloyds Bank – Interest


December 2021

Receipt: Drew Memorials – Memorial



Receipt: Cornwall Council – Interest


December 2021

Receipt: Wedlake Funeral Care



Receipt: Co-operative Funeral Care



Receipt: Kerrow Memorials – Memorial



Receipt: Cornwall Council


Footpath Maint.

An updated quote had been received from our Waste Bin Contractor advising the charge for litter picking will be £128.00 as there are 18 bins at £5.00 per bin plus vat which totals £108.00.  There is then £20.00 per hour for litter picking (which is extra half hour).  It was resovled to accept this quotation as set out and ensure all bins are in the correct area and review in about 3 months time (Proposed: Councillor D. Yelland; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. H. Retallick) Action: Clerk.


































Update on Finances and Wind Turbine Funding:- Clerk circulated an update on current finances up to 31st March 2022 and explained the next round of precept was due to come in mid April 2022.  It was resolved to use the remainder of the Solar Funding in the sum of £103,112.85 towards the Skateboard Park and move to the Parish Councils funds (this includes the original one-off payment of £24,000.00 from the Woodland Barton Scheme).  It was agreed the Parish Council would then review solar funding when the next rounds are received later in the year (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor D. Yelland) Action: Clerk.








Cemetery Matters (Including any applications for memorials or inscriptions):- Application from Drew Memorials for a new Cremation Tablet for the late Derek William Frank Edyvean Action: It was resolved to accept this application as per our rules and regulations (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch; Seconded: Councillor G. Rowe) Motion Carried


Clerk reported the site meeting for the Cemetery had been cancelled due to bad weather.  It was agreed to re-arrange for a dry Saturday, initially to arrange for Saturday 22nd January 2022 at 9.30am depending on weather Action: Clerk.








Minor Repairs/Works in the Parish that may arise:-  None.



Playing Fields and Hardcourt Area, including Skateboard Park:-  Councillor M. Edyvean reported on the recent inspection of the playing fields as follows – he has greased the park apparaturs and put a screw in the Rocking horse.  When greasing the air mobile it is apparent that the bearings need replacing, this item is a Wicksteed item and the parts need to come from them Action: Clerk to order.  The next problem when doing a push test on the park bench and table is that it is broken (due to rusting out and not damage) this needs to be removed by our contractor as soon as possible Action: Clerk to arrange and follow up on the cost of a replacement. Chairman suggested we act after inspection following site visits, under delegated powers, or by email, under health and safety grounds, Councillors were in agreement.


Clerk reported she had received the costs from Cormac but nothing had been heard from South West Playground Safety for the quarterly inspections.  The original cost from Cormac was £73.35 plus vat per inspection, with the skatepark included the cost would be £93.90 plus vat per inspection, totalling £375.60 plus vat for the year.  It was resolved to accept this cost for the quarterly inspections and put in place (Proposed: Councillor M. Edyvean; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. H. Retallick) Action: Clerk.


Councillor M. Edyvean reported on trampoline swings – Clerk reported these have been ordered and acknowledgement received Action: Clerk to inform Councillor Mr. Edyvean once received.


Bearings on Arial mobile need replacing – Clerk to order and ask Cormac to  quote to replace Action: Clerk.


Roundabout is suffering from the push off point on the tarmac – need to ask Cormac to look at this issue as well, the safety surface needs looking at, it was agreed to ask Cormac to quote to carry out the necessary work Action: Clerk.


Horse – he has re-screwed and oiled.  Childrens area needs levelling off by our Contractors Action: Clerk.


Councillor M. Edyvean reported he had received a request from Roche Social Club asking whether the tarmaccing could be white-lined.  Chairman suggested we hold off for the time being.


Councillor M. Edyvean reported on a boat at the Social Club.  Chairman asked whether Cornwall Councillor P. Guest could arrange for the removal, as this has been fly-tipped Action: Cornwall Councillor P. Guest.




























Cwll. Cllr. P. Guest


Roche Public Conveniences/Bus Shelters:- Clerk reported the Contractor is currently looking for some covers for the toilet roll holders and will be in touch once found Action: Clerk to follow up and if our Contractor is unable to action to follow up with another Contractor.




Footpath Signs/Matters:- Clerk reported there had been some works to be carried out on Footpaths 3 and 4 and details were circulated and included on the Parish Council Facebook page, with copies being sent to David Edwards for information as well.



Update on Duck Pond:- Clerk reported we had received a copy of the seller’s signed transfer for our records. They would register the transfer to the Land Registry, who are currently experiencing a significant backlog in registrations, so there may be a delay in the final copies of the title being issue.



Update on Youth Club for Roche:-  Cornwall Councillor P. Guest reported - Councillor Mrs. L. Harrison and myself met up briefly last week to discuss the proposed Youth Club, we will be having a virtual meeting with Cornwall Youth Services (hopefully this week) to pick their brains and see what support they can give us. A building is still required and we will be meeting up with a representative of the Chapel rooms shortly, to have a look around and see if renting it on a regular basis is viable. I am separately exploring funding options to cover the rent and start-up costs.




HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Wildflower Planting (Including Letter from Roche Victory Hall Social Club in respect of Celebrations for the Jubilee Weekend – Sunday 5th June 2022:- Cornwall Councillor P. Guest reported he has asked Cormac to do the preparatory groundword for us, but am waiting for times and dates from the.


Councillor D. Inch declared an interest in respect of the following letter:-

Letter from Roche Victory Hall Social Club in respect of Celebrations for the Jubilee Weekend – Sunday 5th June 2022:- It was resolved to respond we have no ideas.  Councillor M. Edyvean reported the Young Farmers suggested three tyres painted in red, white and blue with flowers on the entrance to Roche.  If any ideas are brought forward we can pass them on  Action: Clerk.











Screen to be installed for use by the Parish Council for Meetings and other organisations:- Chairman reported he would investigate for the next meeting Action: Clerk.



Village Regeneration Works/Working Party for the Village:- Next Litter Pick will be the first Sunday of the month - 6th March; 8th May; 3rd July; 4th September; 6th November 2022.


Report received from Councillor G. Rowe following the first litter pick of 2022 – Please accept our collective apologies if the village is not looking it’s usual spick and span self, only four of us managed to attend the litter pick, so many streets were not cleaned. They did, however, manage to fill 6 bags of litter. Perhaps next time, the first Sunday in March, it will be better attended.  Thanks Councillor D. Yelland, Vicky Bunday and her Husband for the help Action: Clerk to obtain a key for the wheelie bins in the Cemetery for Vicky Bundy.









Update on Double Yellow Lines at Tregarrick Road, Roche:- Clerk updated on the costs involved as they appear to be a lot more then originally quoted as per email circulated.  Concerns were discussed about Chapel Road and the yellow lines proposed there were not feel needed and it would be better this funding could be put towards the Tregarrick Road double yellow lines.



Councillor P. Jones had concerns that the workmen are still parking on this site for the development on the old Poachers site.  Originally we offered them to park in the Roche Football Club Car Park.  We ought to put a letter back to Cornwall Council, advising we were wrongly represented at the time and were never consulted at the time in respect of Chapel Road Action: Clerk.


It was also suggested asking the Agents of the old Poachers site for a contribution of £1,000 towards the double yellow lines at Tregarrick Road Action: Clerk.


It was resolved to wait to hear from Cornwall Council regarding Chapel Road/Tremodrett Road before following up on Tregarrick Road.  Cornwall Councillor P. Guest to inform Clerk (Proposed: Councillor M. Edyvean; Seconded: Councillor P. Jones) Action: Clerk.



















Vision Zero South West – Successful Grant Application – Next Steps:- Clerk reported a response had been received from Cormac noting the Parish Council wish to put up 4 units, however, the Council’s policy is for 2 devices to be used within a Parish area. This is to ensure proliferation is kept to a minimum but also to ensure the two signs are effective. They can of course move the 2 signs to other locations, which would help ensure this effectiveness. They wanted the Parish Council to confirm:

·         If the Parish Council is purchasing the devices, or whether you wish to use our services to procure (costs included in the attached guidance document).

·         If the Parish Council wishes to consider the fully comprehensive package (includes the purchase of sign, maintenance and sign movements - costs included in the attached guidance document) noting that this would require additional funds from the Parish Council or other external funding source.

It was resolved the Chairman finds out some more information and carry forward to the next agenda Action: Clerk.











New Estate for Tregothnan Estates including Section 106 Funding and Play Area Discussion:- It was agreed to carry forward to the next agenda Action: Clerk.



Update on Discussions with Tregothnan Estates regarding additional leased land at Roche Football Club/Roche Cricket Club:- It was agreed to leave off the agenda Action: Clerk.



Articles for Parish Council Website/Newsletter:- It was resolved to include information from the meeting tonight for a report in the newsletter Action: Clerk.




Correspondence – Clerk listed correspondence and actions required:-

1.    Great Western Railway – Replacement Buses between Newton Abbot and Exeter St. Davids

2.    Great Western Railway – Upcoming Rai Improvement Works in your area

3.    Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – Survey and Annual Report 2020/21

4.    Community Larder Project – Timetable Changes and Christmas Closure Times

5.    Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust – Want to influence the future of healt and care in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

6.    Great Western Railway – New Timetable

7.    Cornwall Council – Scans targeting Town and Parish Councils

8.    Cornwall Council – Vacancies

9.    Plymouth City Council – Sub-national Transport Bodies Conference – 26th May 2022

10. Cornwall Council – Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Vehicle, Operator & Driver Licensing Policy Consultation

11. International Centre for Parliamentary Studies – Overcoming Funding Challenges in Local Government Seminar – Tuesday 15th February 2022

12. Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner – Easy Read Police and Crime Plan 2021-2025

13.  Cornwall Council – Cornwall Heritage List Pilot – Interim Draft Report

14. CALC – Coronavirus Briefing and Ventilate your Business leaflet

15. Cornwall Council – Town & Parish Council Bulletin

16. Cornwall Community Flood Forum – Invitation to Flood Forum Taster Training Workshop on Thursday 10th February 2022 from 6.00-8.30pm

17. CALC – Members Update

18. Cornwall Council – Capital Financing Strategy 2021-2022

19. Cornwall Council – Local Council Survey on nature

20. CALC – Moving to Plan B Webinar

21. Great Western Railway Update

22. Cornwall Council – Budget Consultation

23. Cornwall Council – Covid Marshalls/Advisors – Their role going forward – Omicron Phase

24. Duchy Defibrillators – 2021 Annual Review

25. Great Western Railway – Christmas Travel Advice

26. Plantlife – Online Nature and Conservation Talks this February

27. Citizens Advice Winter Update

28. CALC – NALC Events

29. Great Western Railway – Temporary Timetable

30. CALC – Training Update – January/February 2022

31. Dean Evans BEM – 20’s Plenty for Roche

32. Great Western Railway – Temporary Timeable Update

33. Clerks & Councils Magazine (Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett)

34. Michelmores LLP – St. Austell to A30 Link Road Improvement Scheme



To arrange any Sub-Committee Meetings required:-  None.



Any Urgent Matters the Chairman considers relevant for this meeting:- None.



Date of next Meeting:- Monday 7th February 2022 at 6.30pm to be held in the Roche Victory Hall Large Main Hall, Roche Victory Hall.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 8.15pm





Signature:     ………………………………………………




Date:               7th February 2022